ChatGPT Created a Script for a Movie About Creativity in Cinema. A Movie Theater Is Refusing to Screen It

  • A Swiss film project has sparked a debate about creativity in the film industry.

  • After receiving numerous complaints, the movie theater that was supposed to screen the film has decided not to show it.

  • However, the film will still be available for free on Thursday.

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The Last Screenwriter isn’t just a film—it's an experiment. One of its directors, Peter Luisi, believes that the film industry is about to undergo a radical change. He admitted that initially, he had underestimated the impact of the AI revolution: “I used to believe that my ability to write screenplays could not be replicated so easily. Silly me.”

A Screenplay by ChatGPT. Almost everything in this movie has been created by humans. However, OpenAI's GPT-4 is responsible for writing the entire script. The company's chatbot was the tool that made the experiment possible, and through several prompts, it created the story and characters. Not a single word of the script was written by anyone else other than OpenAI’s chatbot.

A movie about the future of creativity. The Last Screenwriter’s plot discusses precisely that. The film focuses on Jack, a well-known screenwriter who encounters a state-of-the-art AI script creation system. Although skeptical at first, Jack soon realizes that the AI not only matches his ability but surpasses it. In short, the movie portrays the AI’s potential future impact on all creative fields.

A movie theater is refusing to show it. The Prince Charles cinema in London’s West End neighborhood is known for showing films that celebrate cinema and art. The cinema was planning to premiere The Last Screenwriter on Sunday, but it's canceled the premiere. However, it will still host a private screening for the film’s crew.

"No" to AI-generated screenplays. In a recent X post, the movie theater explained why it wouldn't show The Last Screenwriter: “The feedback we received over the last 24 hours once we advertised the film has highlighted the strong concern held by many of our audience on the use of AI in place of a writer which speaks to a wider issue within the industry.” According to The Guardian, the venue had received 200 complaints.

A sensitive topic, especially in Hollywood. The film’s trailer, which you can watch above, effectively portrays the plot, which has become a highly sensitive issue in Hollywood. In 2023, screenwriters went on strike for 146 days to protest against the use of AI in the film and television industry.

The film will be available for free. Interestingly, the director’s intention with this project, which is funded by the Swiss government, isn’t to make a profit, but rather to spark a discussion about the future of creativity in the film industry. Despite the cancellation of the premiere, the original plans for the movie will go forward. The film will be available for free starting on Thursday, June 27. Additionally, the documentation, which will cover the entire process of creating the script using ChatGPT, will also be available after the release.

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